Quartz features a graph-view that can show both a local graph view and a global graph view. Quartz具有一个关系图谱,可以显示局部关系和全局关系。

  • 局部关系图谱显示链接到当前文件或从当前文件链接的文件。换言之,它显示了最多一跳的所有笔记。
  • 单击局部关系图谱右上角的图形图标可以切换全局图形视图。它显示了所有笔记以及它们是如何相互连接的。




关系图谱要求ContentIndex 生成器插件存在于configuration中。


Most configuration can be done by passing in options to Component.Graph(). 大多数配置都可以通过将选项传递给Component.Graph()


  localGraph: {
    drag: true, // whether to allow panning the view around
    zoom: true, // whether to allow zooming in and out
    depth: 1, // how many hops of notes to display
    scale: 1.1, // default view scale
    repelForce: 0.5, // how much nodes should repel each other
    centerForce: 0.3, // how much force to use when trying to center the nodes
    linkDistance: 30, // how long should the links be by default?
    fontSize: 0.6, // what size should the node labels be?
    opacityScale: 1, // how quickly do we fade out the labels when zooming out?
    removeTags: [], // what tags to remove from the graph
    showTags: true, // whether to show tags in the graph
  globalGraph: {
    drag: true,
    zoom: true,
    depth: -1,
    scale: 0.9,
    repelForce: 0.5,
    centerForce: 0.3,
    linkDistance: 30,
    fontSize: 0.6,
    opacityScale: 1,
    removeTags: [], // what tags to remove from the graph
    showTags: true, // whether to show tags in the graph



  • 删除关系图谱:从quartz.layout.ts中删除Component.Graph()
  • 组件: quartz/components/Graph.tsx
  • 样式: quartz/components/styles/graph.scss
  • 脚本: quartz/components/scripts/graph.inline.ts